Lily sidled up to another child at the water table and grabbed the toy with which the child was playing. Lily has demonstrated

A. mesocentrism.

B. allocentrism.

C. sociocentrism.

D. egocentrism.

I think the best answer is C.

No, not sociocentrism.

I will go with my second option D.

Why are you rejecting egocentrism?

The situation described in the question is a classic example of a child displaying egocentrism, which is the tendency to only see and think from one's own perspective and not considering the thoughts or feelings of others. In this case, Lily is only concerned with getting the toy she wants without considering the other child's feelings or right to play with it.

To arrive at this answer, we can break down the options and understand their meanings:

A. Mesocentrism refers to a stage of cognitive development in which individuals can understand and consider two or more perspectives but still struggle with taking into account the larger social context. This doesn't apply to the situation described.

B. Allocentrism refers to individuals who are more focused on the needs and desires of others instead of themselves. This is not the case with Lily's behavior.

C. Sociocentrism refers to a collective or group-oriented mindset in which the individual prioritizes the needs and interests of the group above their own. This is not the case here as Lily is solely focused on herself.

D. Egocentrism, as previously mentioned, is the tendency to only see and think from one's own perspective and not considering others. This accurately describes Lily's behavior in the situation.

Therefore, the correct answer is D. egocentrism.