8. Liza watched as her father was kind to a dog. Her father has _______ kindness.

A. imitated

B. authorized
C. modeled

D. observed

my answer is C.


Your answer is correct. Option C, "modeled," is the correct answer. Liza observed her father being kind to a dog, which means her father was the one demonstrating or modeling kindness, and Liza was watching and learning from his actions.

Good job! Your answer C. "modeled" is correct.

To arrive at the answer, we need to understand the context of the sentence. The sentence suggests that Liza's father displayed kindness towards a dog, and Liza watched him. In this case, Liza's father serves as an example or model of kindness for her.

The word "modeled" relates to the act of demonstrating or exemplifying a behavior for others to imitate or follow. In this scenario, Liza's father's actions are being observed by Liza, and she is likely to learn and potentially imitate his kindness. Therefore, the correct answer is C. "modeled."