7. An authoritative communication style includes all of the following except

A. validation.

B. blaming.

C. honesty.

D. nurturance.

My answer is B.

Yes, B.

You are correct. An authoritative communication style includes validation, honesty, and nurturance. Blaming is not a characteristic of an authoritative communication style.

To determine the correct answer, let's go through each option and its description:

A. Validation: This refers to acknowledging and recognizing someone's feelings, thoughts, or experiences as being valid and legitimate. It is a key component of an authoritative communication style.

B. Blaming: Blaming involves holding someone responsible for something negative or assigning fault. This is not a characteristic of an authoritative communication style, as it tends to promote an aggressive or confrontational approach.

C. Honesty: Honesty is an essential component of an authoritative communication style, as it involves being open, truthful, and transparent in your interactions.

D. Nurturance: Nurturance refers to showing care, support, and encouragement to others. It is a characteristic of authoritative communication style since it promotes a positive and supportive environment.

Based on the explanations, it is clear that option B, blaming, does not align with an authoritative communication style. Therefore, your answer of B is correct.