1 simplify 5×^6x5^-3×^4?

which of your symbols are the variable x, and

which are the multiplication operator × ?

As an added aid to clarity, why not use some spaces to separate the factors, use * for multiplication, or enclose each in parentheses? For example
3x^7 2x^-2

the x is after 5 and 3 while the multiplication sign is in between 6 and 5.

To simplify the expression 5x^6 * 5^-3 * x^4, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Simplify the numerical coefficients.
Multiply the numerical coefficients, 5 and 5, to get 25.

Step 2: Simplify the variables with exponents.
Multiply the variables with the same base, x, by adding their exponents.
For the variables x^6 and x^4, add the exponents: 6 + 4 = 10.
So, the expression simplifies to 25x^10.