Find the solution for x,y.

In the problem...


Multiply the second equaton by five.

subtract the second equation from the first.


solve for y, then put y into either of the beginning equations to solve for x.

To solve the system of equations:

1. Multiply the second equation by 5 to eliminate the coefficient of x:
5(x - 2y) = 5(2)
5x - 10y = 10

2. Now you have two equations:
5x - 3y = -11
5x - 10y = 10

3. Subtract the second equation from the first to eliminate x:
(5x - 3y) - (5x - 10y) = -11 - 10
5x - 3y - 5x + 10y = -21
7y = -21

4. Solve for y by dividing both sides of the equation by 7:
y = -21 / 7
y = -3

5. Substitute the value of y (-3) into either of the original equations to solve for x:
5x - 3(-3) = -11
5x + 9 = -11
5x = -11 - 9
5x = -20
x = -4

Therefore, the solution for the system of equations is x = -4 and y = -3.