@Ms.Sue plz help

If mImage of an angle symbol1 = 40°, what is an image of an angle symbol5?
A. 50°
B. 40°
C. 35°
D. 25°

Ms. Sue is 👎👎💩

answer is d

To find the measure of angle symbol5, we need to know the relationship between symbol1 and symbol5. Without additional information, we cannot determine the exact measure of symbol5. However, if we assume that the angle symbol1 is corresponding to symbol5:

Corresponding angles are pairs of angles that have the same relative position at each intersection where a transversal crosses two lines. In this case, if symbol1 corresponds to symbol5, the measure of symbol5 would also be 40° since corresponding angles are congruent.

Therefore, the answer would be B. 40°, if we assume that symbol1 and symbol5 are corresponding angles. However, if there is no given relationship between the angles, we cannot determine the measure of symbol5.

Sorry -- I don't know.