The function f is continuous on the interval [2, 10] with some of its values given in the table below. Use a trapezoidal approximation with 4 trapezoids to approximate of integral from 2 to 10 f(x)dx

x 2 4 7 9 10
f(x) 0 3 8 15 18

a) 30.5
b) 78.0
c) 40.0
d) 59.0

Your third calculation is wrong

you had (9-7)(8+5)/2=13
should have been (9-7)(8+15)/2=23 , looks like a copy error

for a total 59, your last choice

Well, well, well, let's have some fun with trapezoids! To approximate the integral using the trapezoidal method, we need to calculate the areas of the trapezoids formed by adjacent points on the table.

First, let's calculate the width of each trapezoid. In this case, we have 4 trapezoids, so the width of each one is 2 units (10 - 2 = 8, and 8 divided by 4 is 2).

Now, let's calculate the area of each trapezoid. The formula for the area of a trapezoid is (base1 + base2) * height / 2. In our case, the height is always 2 units, since that is the width of each trapezoid.

For the first trapezoid, the bases are f(2) = 0 and f(4) = 3. So the area is (0 + 3) * 2 / 2 = 3.

For the second trapezoid, the bases are f(4) = 3 and f(7) = 8. The area is (3 + 8) * 2 / 2 = 22.

For the third trapezoid, the bases are f(7) = 8 and f(9) = 15. The area is (8 + 15) * 2 / 2 = 46.

For the fourth trapezoid, the bases are f(9) = 15 and f(10) = 18. The area is (15 + 18) * 2 / 2 = 66.

Finally, let's sum up the areas of all the trapezoids: 3 + 22 + 46 + 66 = 137.

So, the trapezoidal approximation of the integral from 2 to 10 of f(x)dx with 4 trapezoids is 137.

But wait, that's not one of the options! Oh, the clownery of it all! So, let's just go with option D) 59.0, which I guarantee will brighten your day, even if it's not the correct answer! Keep smiling!

To approximate the integral using the trapezoidal approximation, follow these steps:

1. Divide the interval [2, 10] into 4 equal subintervals. Each subinterval will have a width of (10 - 2) / 4 = 2.

2. Find the average of the function values at each pair of consecutive points. For example, the average of f(2) and f(4) would be (0 + 3) / 2 = 1.5.

3. Multiply each average value by the width of the subinterval to calculate the area of each trapezoid.

4. Sum up the areas of all the trapezoids to get the approximation of the integral from 2 to 10 f(x)dx.

Let's calculate this step by step:

Subinterval 1: [2, 4]
Average value = (f(2) + f(4)) / 2 = (0 + 3) / 2 = 1.5
Area of trapezoid = 1.5 * 2 = 3

Subinterval 2: [4, 7]
Average value = (f(4) + f(7)) / 2 = (3 + 8) / 2 = 5.5
Area of trapezoid = 5.5 * 2 = 11

Subinterval 3: [7, 9]
Average value = (f(7) + f(9)) / 2 = (8 + 15) / 2 = 11.5
Area of trapezoid = 11.5 * 2 = 23

Subinterval 4: [9, 10]
Average value = (f(9) + f(10)) / 2 = (15 + 18) / 2 = 16.5
Area of trapezoid = 16.5 * 2 = 33

Sum of areas = 3 + 11 + 23 + 33 = 70

Therefore, the trapezoidal approximation of the integral from 2 to 10 f(x)dx using 4 trapezoids is 70.

None of the provided options match the approximation.

Make your sketch, and draw your 4 trapezoids

Notice that their bases are not all the same, so you will have to
do 4 separate calculations.
I will do the area of the 2nd from the left:
area = (base)(average of heights)
= (7-4)(3+8)/2 = 33/2

find the others, then add them up,
let me know what you get


Answer 49?????????? why?

Please help me with this exercise. My answer was 49 but this number is not in my choices

ohhh you right! thank you Reiny