In the movie "Twister," what are some true facts portrayed in the movie that are about tornadoes? Please help ASAP!!! :(

To find true facts about tornadoes portrayed in the movie "Twister," you can follow these steps:

1. Watch the movie: Begin by watching the movie "Twister." Pay close attention to the scenes and dialogue related to tornadoes.

2. Research tornadoes: While watching the movie, take note of specific tornado-related information or scenes that you want to verify. Write down any keywords or concepts mentioned.

3. Conduct an online search: Use search engines like Google to conduct searches using the keywords or concepts you noted down. For example, search for "Tornado facts in 'Twister' movie" or "Accurate portrayal of tornadoes in 'Twister'." Consider reading articles, interviews, or behind-the-scenes information about the movie.

4. Consult expert sources: Look for websites, blogs, or forums that feature experts in meteorology, tornado research, or storm chasing. These sources can provide accurate information and insights about the movie's portrayal of tornadoes.

5. Verify facts: Evaluate the information you find by cross-referencing it with other reliable sources. Look for consensus among experts to ensure the accuracy of the facts.

Please note that "Twister" is a fictional movie, and while filmmakers often strive for authenticity, they do take creative liberties for storytelling purposes. It's important to remember that not everything portrayed in the movie may be entirely accurate.

Remember to be patient while conducting research, as it may take some time to gather reliable information.