Kerry's computer keyboard is 18 inches long and 6 inches wide. Tim's keyboard has the same length-to-width ratio as Kerry's. Tim's keyboard is 12 inches long. how wide is Tim's keyboard?

I can't figure out how to do this problem. the only thing that I figured out is that all of the numbers are divisible by 3. Can someone help please?

18/6 = 12/x

Cross multiply and solve for x.

18x = 72
x = 4

The answers aren't divisible by 3. However, the width is 1/3 of the length.

My answer choices are

A. 4 inches
B. 9 inches
C. 15 inches
D. 36 inches

to find the length to width ratio you divide the width by the length

The sides of similar shapes are proportional to the their corresponding sides.

x/6 =12/18 = 2/3
x = 4

(notice that 12/18 = 4/6)

Wow, u do a lot better at explaining things, Ms. Sue.

To solve the problem, we need to find the width of Tim's keyboard. Since we know the length-to-width ratio of both keyboards is the same, we can set up a proportion:

Length of Kerry's keyboard / Width of Kerry's keyboard = Length of Tim's keyboard / Width of Tim's keyboard

Using the given information, we have:

18 inches / 6 inches = 12 inches / x (the width of Tim's keyboard)

To find the value of x (the width of Tim's keyboard), we can cross-multiply and solve for x:

(18 inches) * (x) = (6 inches) * (12 inches)

Dividing both sides by 18 inches, we get:

x = (6 inches) * (12 inches) / (18 inches)

Simplifying the right side, we have:

x = 2 inches * 12 inches / 3 inches

Canceling out the inches units, we have:

x = 2 * 12 / 3

x = 24 / 3

x = 8

Therefore, the width of Tim's keyboard is 8 inches.