The Farmers Alliance became part of a political movement that supported a third party, the Populists. If you were listening to a Populist Party politician during an election in Georgia, what would you hear him say?

“My fellow Georgians, I support
● Tax breaks for __________
“I believe in ___________ tariffs on foreign goods
“I think industrial development in our cities is ________ for the farmers of our state.”

What does your reading assignment say?

If you were listening to a Populist Party politician during an election in Georgia, you might hear him say the following:

“My fellow Georgians, I support
● Tax breaks for farmers.

“I believe in protective tariffs on foreign goods.
These tariffs aim to protect domestic industries and promote self-sufficiency by making imported goods more expensive compared to locally produced ones.

“I think industrial development in our cities is crucial for the farmers of our state.
This statement likely suggests that the politician believes that the growth of industries in urban areas can lead to increased demand for agricultural products, benefiting the farmers who supply these goods.

Overall, the Populist Party focused on advocating for the rights and interests of farmers and rural communities. They often called for economic reforms that aimed to provide relief for farmers, protect local industries, and reduce the influence of powerful corporations and banks.