On Afternoon job Chris took 42 minutes to run 3 3/4 miles. How many miles can he run in 60 minutes

3.75/42 = x/60

Cross multiply and solve for x.

42x = 225
x = 5.36 miles

To find out how many miles Chris can run in 60 minutes, we can set up a proportion using the given information.

We know that Chris took 42 minutes to run 3 3/4 miles. We can represent this as the ratio 42 minutes : 3 3/4 miles.

Now, we can set up the proportion:

42 minutes / 3 3/4 miles = 60 minutes / x miles

To solve for x (the number of miles Chris can run in 60 minutes), we cross-multiply and solve for x:

42 minutes * x miles = 3 3/4 miles * 60 minutes

42x = 3(4/4) miles * 60 minutes

42x = 15 miles * 60 minutes

42x = 900

Divide both sides of the equation by 42:

x = 900 / 42

Simplifying further:

x ≈ 21.43 miles

Therefore, Chris can run approximately 21.43 miles in 60 minutes.