
1. Consider an automated teller machine (ATM) in which users provide a personal identification number (PIN) and a card for account access. Give examples of confidentiality, integrity, and availability requirements associated with the system and, in each case, indicate the degree of importance of the requirement.
2. Repeat Problem 1 For a telephone switching system that routescalls through a switching network based on the telephone number requested by the caller.?

i want answers to the questions aske

Consider an automated teller machine (ATM) in which users provide a personal identification number (PIN)

and a card for account access. Give examples of confidentiality, integrity, and availability requirements
associated with the system and, in each case, indicate the degree of importance of the requirement.

1. Automated Teller Machine (ATM):

a) Confidentiality requirement: The PIN and account information of the users should only be accessible to authorized personnel or systems. This ensures that the user's personal and financial information remains private. Importance: High - Protecting the confidentiality of user information is crucial to prevent identity theft and unauthorized access to funds.

b) Integrity requirement: The ATM system should ensure that user transactions are accurately recorded and processed without any unauthorized modifications or tampering. This includes maintaining data consistency and preventing unauthorized alterations to user account balances. Importance: High - Ensuring the integrity of transactions is essential to maintain user trust and prevent fraud.

c) Availability requirement: The ATM system should be available to users whenever they need to access their accounts, considering both planned and unplanned downtime. Availability ensures that users can conveniently withdraw cash or perform other transactions whenever required. Importance: High - Any unavailability of the system can disrupt customers' financial activities and lead to dissatisfaction.

2. Telephone Switching System:
a) Confidentiality requirement: The telephone switching system should ensure that call details, including caller and receiver information, remain confidential and are not shared with unauthorized parties. Importance: Moderate - Confidentiality is important to protect user privacy, but it may not have the same level of sensitivity as financial information.

b) Integrity requirement: The telephone switching system should accurately route calls to the intended recipients based on the telephone number requested by the caller. The system should prevent unauthorized call routing or any manipulation of the call destination. Importance: High - Ensuring the integrity of call routing is crucial to maintain reliable communication and prevent any unauthorized interception or redirection of calls.

c) Availability requirement: The telephone switching system should be available to process and handle calls effectively, ensuring a reliable communication network. Availability is essential to prevent service disruptions and enable users to make calls when needed. Importance: High - Any downtime or unavailability can disrupt communication services and impact users' ability to make or receive calls.

To identify examples of confidentiality, integrity, and availability requirements associated with an automated teller machine (ATM) and a telephone switching system, we need to understand the nature of each system and the goals they aim to achieve.

1. Automated Teller Machine (ATM):

a) Confidentiality Requirement:
- The PIN provided by the user should be kept confidential to prevent unauthorized access to the user's account.
- Importance: Very high. Maintaining confidentiality of the user's PIN is crucial to protect their financial information and prevent fraudulent activities.

b) Integrity Requirement:
- The transactions made by the user should be accurately recorded and processed without any unauthorized modifications.
- Importance: High. Ensuring the integrity of transactions is critical to maintain the accuracy of account balances and prevent any loss or unauthorized alteration of money.

c) Availability Requirement:
- The ATM system should function properly and be available for use by users whenever required.
- Importance: Very high. Availability is essential to ensure users can access their accounts conveniently and perform transactions at any time, as ATMs are expected to provide 24/7 availability.

2. Telephone Switching System:

a) Confidentiality Requirement:
- The telephone switching system should ensure that the user's phone calls are routed securely, without eavesdropping or unauthorized monitoring.
- Importance: High. Maintaining confidentiality of telephone conversations is crucial to protect user privacy and prevent the leakage of sensitive information.

b) Integrity Requirement:
- The telephone switching system should accurately route calls to the intended destination without any unauthorized modifications or interference.
- Importance: High. Ensuring integrity is essential to maintain the trustworthiness and reliability of the telephone network, preventing any unauthorized manipulation of calls.

c) Availability Requirement:
- The telephone switching system should be operational and available to route calls without interruptions or excessive downtime.
- Importance: Very high. Availability is crucial to ensure constant communication for users, businesses, emergency services, etc., and any downtime could lead to significant disruptions.

It is important to note that the importance of each requirement may vary depending on specific organizations, system architectures, and user requirements. These examples provide a general understanding of the key requirements for confidentiality, integrity, and availability in the respective systems.