What is one reason a substantial number of Americans favored the central powers in WW1?

A.) their family heritage was German

B.) their family heritage was french

C.) their family heritage was Scottish

D.) their family heritage was Swiss

You are not right.

Who was the enemy in WWI?

I think the answer is B! But not sure! Can someone check it?PLEASE?

To determine why a substantial number of Americans favored the Central Powers in World War I, we need to analyze the options provided.

A.) Their family heritage was German: This option suggests that Americans with German ancestry may have favored the Central Powers due to a sense of loyalty towards their ancestral homeland. Germans made up a significant portion of the American population during this period, and their connections to Germany could have influenced their support for the Central Powers.

B.) Their family heritage was French: This option is unlikely to be a reason for favoring the Central Powers because France was part of the Allied Powers in World War I.

C.) Their family heritage was Scottish: This option is also unlikely as Scotland's allegiance was to the Allied Powers, not the Central Powers.

D.) Their family heritage was Swiss: Switzerland, being a neutral country during World War I, did not align itself with either the Central Powers or the Allied Powers. Therefore, Swiss heritage is unlikely to have been a reason for favoring the Central Powers.

Based on the options provided, option A is the most plausible reason for a substantial number of Americans favoring the Central Powers in World War I – as a result of their family heritage being German.