Characteristics of Julius Caesar's Rule.

(Select all that apply)
A. Gave women the right to vote
B. Made himself dictator for life
C. Helped the poor
D. Gave members of the senate more power

1. Rival military leaders

2. Made himself dictator for life, helped the poor

3. D

what is the main one

B and C?

Right -- B and C

B. Made himself dictator for life

To determine the characteristics of Julius Caesar's rule, let's go through each option and see if it applies:

A. Gave women the right to vote: Julius Caesar did not give women the right to vote. Women in ancient Rome did not have voting rights, and this change occurred much later in history.

B. Made himself dictator for life: This is a correct characteristic of Julius Caesar's rule. After various military victories, Caesar named himself dictator perpetuo (dictator for life) in 44 BC, effectively concentrating power in his hands.

C. Helped the poor: Julius Caesar implemented certain reforms to address social and economic issues in Rome, but it is debated whether he specifically focused on helping the poor. His land redistribution policies and public building programs aimed to alleviate poverty, but they also served his political interests by solidifying support among the lower classes.

D. Gave members of the senate more power: This is not an accurate characteristic of Julius Caesar's rule. In fact, Caesar's rise to power and his concentration of authority as dictator diminished the power and influence of the Senate.

Based on this analysis, the correct characteristics of Julius Caesar's rule are:

B. Made himself dictator for life
C. Helped the poor

What is your answer?