For you to have a positive self-concept, it is most important that

A. you think positively about yourself.
B. your friends think positively about you.
C. your grandparents think positively about you.
D. your parents or guardians think positively about you.

what is the answer I need it in like 1 min

you think positively about yourself is the answer

and this Ishealth

its obviously a

The answer is A

i need full answers

For you to have a positive self-concept, the most important factor is that you think positively about yourself (option A). Your self-concept refers to how you perceive and evaluate yourself. It is based on your beliefs, attitudes, and opinions about your own qualities, abilities, and worth. How you think about yourself plays a significant role in shaping your self-concept.

While it's certainly beneficial to have supportive friends (option B), grandparents (option C), and parents or guardians (option D), their opinions should not be the sole determinant of your self-concept. In order to have a healthy self-concept, it is essential to develop a positive self-image that is independent of external validation.


This is math??

Concentrate on the word "self-concept" in the question. Which choice fits that?