the square root of 40 estimating it to the nearest integer

Oh my ... you must know that:

√36 = 6
√49 = 7
is 40 closer to 36 or closer to 49 ?

To estimate the square root of 40 to the nearest integer, follow these steps:

Step 1: Find the two perfect squares that 40 is between. The perfect squares closest to 40 are 36 (which is 6 squared) and 49 (which is 7 squared).

Step 2: Take the average of these two numbers: (6 + 7) / 2 = 6.5.

Step 3: Round the average to the nearest whole number. Since 6.5 is closer to 7 than it is to 6, the square root of 40, rounded to the nearest integer, is 7.

To estimate the square root of 40 to the nearest integer, you can use several methods. Here's one approach using a calculator:

1. Start by entering the number 40 on your calculator.
2. Press the square root (√) button to find the exact square root of 40.
3. Round the result to the nearest whole number.

The exact square root of 40 is approximately 6.32455532034. Rounding this to the nearest whole number, you get 6.

Therefore, the estimated square root of 40 to the nearest integer is 6.

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