Which set of ordered pairs represents a function?

A {(22, 5), (23, 10), (22, 7), (23, 5)}
B {(22, 5), (26, 10), (23, 7), (23, 5)}
C {(22, 10), (23, 10), (24, 7), (25, 5)}
D {(24, 10), (23, 6), (22, 7), (24, 5)}

for a given x value, there cannot be two different y values. A, B,D clearly do not meet this criteria

To determine which set of ordered pairs represents a function, we need to check if each input value (x-coordinate) has a unique output value (y-coordinate).

Let's examine each set of ordered pairs:

A {(22, 5), (23, 10), (22, 7), (23, 5)}
In this set, we can see that the input value 22 has two different output values (5 and 7), which means it does not meet the requirement of a function.

B {(22, 5), (26, 10), (23, 7), (23, 5)}
Here, both inputs 23 and 26 have multiple output values, so it does not represent a function either.

C {(22, 10), (23, 10), (24, 7), (25, 5)}
This set satisfies the requirement since each input value has a unique output value. Therefore, it represents a function.

D {(24, 10), (23, 6), (22, 7), (24, 5)}
In this set, the input value 24 has two different output values (10 and 5), so it does not meet the requirement.

So, set C {(22, 10), (23, 10), (24, 7), (25, 5)} represents a function.

To determine which set of ordered pairs represents a function, we need to check if each x-value in the set corresponds to only one y-value.

Let's go through each set:

A {(22, 5), (23, 10), (22, 7), (23, 5)}
In this set, we see that for x = 22, there are two different y-values (5 and 7), so this set is not a function.

B {(22, 5), (26, 10), (23, 7), (23, 5)}
Here, x = 23 has two different y-values (7 and 5), so this set is also not a function.

C {(22, 10), (23, 10), (24, 7), (25, 5)}
In this set, each x-value has only one corresponding y-value, so this set is a function.

D {(24, 10), (23, 6), (22, 7), (24, 5)}
For x = 24, there are two different y-values (10 and 5), so this set is not a function.

Therefore, the set that represents a function is C {(22, 10), (23, 10), (24, 7), (25, 5)}.