Point R has coordinates baby boy is reflected across the x axis and then translated 5 Points to the right a great Point s create an expression that represents the y coordinate of s

this is why i hate the google micrphone

baby boy = (a,b). the point is reflected across the x axis

Then don't use it!

To find the y-coordinate of point S after reflecting point R across the x-axis and then translating it 5 points to the right, we need to follow these steps:

1. Reflecting across the x-axis: When reflecting a point across the x-axis, the x-coordinate remains the same, while the sign of the y-coordinate changes.
So, if the original coordinates of point R are (x, y), after reflecting it across the x-axis, the coordinates become (x, -y).

2. Translating 5 points to the right: To translate a point horizontally, we add the given value to the x-coordinate. In this case, we need to add 5 to the x-coordinate of the reflected point.
So, the new x-coordinate of point S will be (x + 5).

Therefore, the expression to represent the y-coordinate of point S is (-y).

In summary, the expression for the y-coordinate of point S after reflecting point R across the x-axis and then translating it 5 points to the right is -y.