A Chinese painting shows a man seated in a pavilion. what Taoist and Buddhist philosophy is the artist communicating by placing the man in this wilderness location?

(1 point)
A: Keep a balanced perspective on life
B: Live a peaceful, happy life
C: Keep harmony between man and nature
D: Live a creative live

Full answers are



1. D; Balance
2. A; ch'i
3. C; Keep harmony between man and nature.

If you think I'm a liar, go for it. It's not my bad grade.
Best of luck to all those Connexus students out theređź’–

What painting?

What do YOU think is correct?

To determine the Taoist and Buddhist philosophy being communicated by placing the man in a wilderness location in the Chinese painting, we can analyze the possible options and their significance.

A) Keep a balanced perspective on life: This Taoist and Buddhist philosophy emphasizes maintaining equilibrium and avoiding extremes. However, the specific choice of placing the man in a wilderness location does not directly relate to balancing perspectives on life.

B) Live a peaceful, happy life: This philosophy encourages finding peace and happiness in life. Placing the man in a pavilion in the wilderness suggests that he has attained a peaceful state of mind in a serene natural setting, implying the pursuit of a peaceful and happy life.

C) Keep harmony between man and nature: Both Taoism and Buddhism emphasize the importance of harmony between humans and nature. Placing the man in a wilderness location suggests a connection to nature and the desire to live in harmony with it, therefore supporting the philosophy of maintaining balance between man and nature.

D) Live a creative life: Although creativity can be an aspect of Taoism and Buddhism, the specific mention of placing the man in a pavilion in the wilderness does not directly convey the idea of living a creative life.

Considering the options presented, the philosophy most likely communicated by placing the man in a pavilion in a wilderness location in the Chinese painting is C) Keep harmony between man and nature. This choice reflects the emphasis on the importance of maintaining balance and unity between humans and the natural world.