1. An early result of the Columbian exchange for Utah's Native Americans was the

A) loss of resources
B) loss of land
C) arrival of the horse
D) development of the fur trade

pls help me i rly need this so i can do the rest of my overdues
I HATE OVERDUES!!!!!!!!!!!!

what is your answer? Also i need help on that test too.

To determine the answer to this question, we need to understand the concept of the Columbian Exchange and its impact on Utah's Native Americans. The Columbian Exchange refers to the widespread exchange of animals, plants, culture, human populations, and diseases that occurred between the Old World (Europe, Africa, and Asia) and the New World (the Americas) following Christopher Columbus's arrival in the Americas in 1492.

To choose the correct answer, we need to look for a result of the Columbian Exchange that specifically relates to Utah's Native Americans. Let's examine each option:

A) Loss of resources: This option is a general consequence of the Columbian Exchange, but it does not specifically mention Utah's Native Americans.

B) Loss of land: Again, this option is a general consequence of colonization, but it does not specifically pertain to Utah's Native Americans.

C) Arrival of the horse: The introduction of horses to Native American tribes following the Columbian Exchange had a significant impact on various tribes across North America. However, there is no specific mention of Utah's Native Americans in relation to the arrival of the horse.

D) Development of the fur trade: This option relates to the economic and commercial impact of the Columbian Exchange. The fur trade did indeed have a notable influence on Native American tribes in Utah, such as the Ute tribe, who became involved in trading furs with European settlers.

Therefore, based on the specific reference to Utah's Native Americans and the impact of the Columbian Exchange, the correct answer is D) development of the fur trade.

Keep in mind that it is always a good idea to consult with your textbook, class notes, or other reliable sources to confirm the answer.

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