what is the 17th element

Are you referring to the 17th element on the periodic table?



thanks ms. Sue

You're welcome.

The 17th element in the periodic table is chlorine (Cl).

To find the answer to this question, you can follow these steps:

1. Open a web browser and go to your preferred search engine.
2. Type in "periodic table" or "elements of the periodic table".
3. Click on any of the search results that provide a visual representation of the periodic table.
4. Locate the element number 17 or scroll down the periodic table until you find chlorine (Cl).
5. Read the name of the element next to its symbol to confirm that it is chlorine.

Remember, the periodic table is a tool used to organize elements based on their atomic number, symbol, and properties. It consists of rows called periods and columns called groups. Each element has a unique atomic number, which determines its position in the periodic table.