Which of these BEST explains the purpose of these sanctions?

A) South Africa became major allies of the Soviet Union.
B) South Africa trading with Middle Eastern terrorist organizations.
C) South Africa refused to stop committing acts of foreign terrorism.
D) South Africa continued its enforcement of a system of racial discrimination.

The purpose of these sanctions is best explained by option D) South Africa continued its enforcement of a system of racial discrimination.

To determine the purpose of these sanctions, we need to carefully analyze the given information. In this case, option D) South Africa continued its enforcement of a system of racial discrimination, appears to be the best explanation for the purpose of the sanctions.

Sanctions are often imposed as a form of international pressure to respond to unethical or inhumane practices or policies by a country. South Africa's apartheid policy, which enforced racial discrimination and segregation, was widely condemned by the international community.

Countries and international organizations implemented sanctions against South Africa to put pressure on the government to end apartheid and promote equal rights for all citizens. These sanctions aimed to isolate South Africa economically, politically, and socially, sending a message that such discriminatory practices were not acceptable and would not be tolerated.

Therefore, option D) South Africa continued its enforcement of a system of racial discrimination, is the best explanation for the purpose of the sanctions imposed on South Africa.

What sanctions?