a rental car cost 37$ for one day plus an additional 0.29$ per mile. what is the cost of renting a car for one day and driving it 83 miles

37 + (0.29 * 83) = $________

To calculate the cost of renting a car for one day and driving it 83 miles, follow these steps:

Step 1: Calculate the cost of renting the car for one day.
The rental car cost is $37 for one day.

Cost for one day = $37

Step 2: Calculate the cost per mile.
The additional cost per mile is $0.29.

Cost per mile = $0.29

Step 3: Calculate the cost of driving 83 miles.
Multiply the number of miles (83) by the cost per mile ($0.29).

Cost of driving 83 miles = 83 miles × $0.29/mile

Cost of driving 83 miles = $24.07

Step 4: Calculate the total cost.
Add the rental cost for one day (Step 1) to the cost of driving 83 miles (Step 3).

Total cost = Cost for one day + Cost of driving 83 miles
Total cost = $37 + $24.07

Total cost = $61.07

Therefore, the cost of renting a car for one day and driving it 83 miles is $61.07.

To calculate the cost of renting a car for one day and driving it a certain number of miles, you need to multiply the rental cost per day by the number of days you'll be renting it, and then add the cost per mile times the number of miles driven.

In this case, the rental cost per day is $37 and the cost per mile is $0.29.

So, to calculate the total cost, you can use the following formula:

Total Cost = (Rental Cost per Day * Number of Days) + (Cost per Mile * Number of Miles)

Plugging in the given values:

Total Cost = ($37 * 1 day) + ($0.29 * 83 miles)

Total Cost = ($37 * 1) + ($0.29 * 83)

Total Cost = $37 + $24.07

Total Cost = $61.07

Therefore, the cost of renting a car for one day and driving it 83 miles would be $61.07.