Note: Enter your answer and show all the steps that you use to solve this problem in the space provided.

Drawings not to scale

On Quadrilateral A B C D, side A B measures 10 units and side A D measures 6 units. Angle D measures 86 degrees and Angle C measures 41 degrees. On Quadrilateral J K L M, side K L measures 16 units and side L M measures 17 units. Angle J measures 133 degrees.

The two figures above are congruent. Find the measure of the angle that isn't labeled on

This is for connexus Question:for questions 7-10 solve each equation be sure to show your work

1. First subtract 354 from both sides
Now I double checked by inserting 967 from R in the original equation
Now I added 96u and 354
And I got 1321

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This question is asking for a written answer and there a 4 questions

Note: Enter your answer and show all the steps that you use to solve this problem in the space provided.

For questions 7–10, solve each equation. Be sure to show your work.

r + 354 = 1,321

Can someone please explain this to me, please?

I need help badly on this one I don't really know what to do.

help me please what are the answers

please hurry there are 3 questions to this test, I am in Conexus.

help plzz

You guys!! I'm in connecus and it says that I have 4 (HAVE TO WRITE) question, I have no idea how to do them I did not get taught this!!!. I know it sounds like I'm asking for a lot.... AND I AM ASKING FOR A LOT JUST PLZZ😭🀚

Pweese give the answers so I can check my answers ☹︎

please help i need the written answer for all 4 questions for the second part of the quiz i would appreciate someone writing the answers!!!


Now I double checked by inserting 967 from R in the original equation
Now I added 967 and 354
And I got 1321 thank u bye me copppppppppyyyyyyyyy cause me hack