After they heard the winner announced, Greg’s friends congratulated him. Then teased him to take them out for pizza.

Help with sentence structure please

To help with sentence structure, let's break down the sentence and identify its components:

1. Subject: Greg's friends
2. Verb: congratulated
3. Object: him

Now, let's add the second part of the sentence:

4. Transition word: Then
5. Verb: teased
6. Object: him
7. Infinitive phrase: to take them out for pizza

Putting it all together, we have:

"After they heard the winner announced, Greg's friends congratulated him, then teased him to take them out for pizza."

Remember to use commas to separate different parts of the sentence, such as between the verbs "congratulated" and "teased," as well as after the introductory phrase "After they heard the winner announced."

The second sentence doesn't have a subject.