Maizie earns a base salary of $200 per month and 8% commission on all sales she makes. Maizie's monthly pay in dollars can be calculated by using the equation

P = 0.08s + 200
if she sells s dollars of merchandise.

that is correct

To calculate Maizie's monthly pay in dollars, you can use the equation P = 0.08s + 200, where P represents her monthly pay and s represents the total sales she made in dollars.

1. Determine the total sales Maizie made in dollars. Let's say she made $500 in sales.

2. Substitute the value of s into the equation P = 0.08s + 200.

P = 0.08(500) + 200

3. Simplify the equation.

P = 40 + 200

P = 240

Therefore, if Maizie sells $500 of merchandise in a month, her monthly pay will be $240.