1. Compare using <,>, or =. 1 point

-15 _______ -21
A. <*
C. =

2. Which number is greater than –24. 1 point
A -42
B -27
C-16 *
D -32

Well, since there are barely any answers, im here! Also this is the Unit 4 Integers, Comparing and Ordering Integer quick check for connexus!

Compare using <,> or =. -15_____-21
Which number is greater than -24?
Which set of Integers is ordered from least to greatest?
Fill in the blank so that the set of intergers is ordered from greatest to least. 5,0,___,-14,-20.
Which of the following is a true statement?
B. When comparing two integers, the integer with the greater absolute value could be the lesser integer.
And i just did the quick check so these answers are accurate!

All my answers are correct i swear

1.B, >
3.C, -12,-8,-4.7
4.B, -4
5.B, When comparing two integers, the integer with the greater absolute value could be the lesser integer.
I had just taken the test you should get 5/5 if you don't you maybe got the wrong test

1. is B. > because these are negative numbers, the bigger the negative number, the less it is worth. For example, what is greater? -28 or -29? -29 seems bigger in digits, but it is one less than -28. Remember this. 2. is correct, it is C. 16. Good day. 🙂

@ANSWERS is toooootally correct,i haven't really been interested in school,my parents don't support my actual dreams...this really helped keep my grades up,thank you soooo much...i swear i got an 100% on my lif-uhem,on my lifters..I'm just jk,but yeah,i got a 100

ur welcome @Godzilla! and im glad the answer are still good evne in 2022 @ANSWERS :D

@Nerd yea sure!

THANK YOU @non ya business


your welcome @? :D always happy to halp :]

do you have roblox