How has the economy of Russia changed since the fall of the Soviet Union?

from a mixed to a market

from a market to a command

from a command to a mixed

from a market to a mixed++

How has the economy of Russia changed since the fall of the Soviet Union?

from a mixed to a market

from a market to a command

from a command to a mixed

from a market to a mixed


D is the answer

A mixed to market

The correct answer is C. From a command to a mixed.

To understand this, let's break down the different economic systems and their characteristics:

1. Command economy: In a command economy, the government has complete control over the allocation of resources and production decisions. The government sets the prices, determines what to produce, and decides how much to produce. This was the economic system that was in place during the Soviet Union, where the state owned most of the industries and made all the economic decisions.

2. Market economy: In a market economy, the allocation of resources and production decisions are determined by the interactions of buyers and sellers in the marketplace. Prices are determined by supply and demand, and businesses make decisions based on profit motives. There is limited government intervention and the private sector plays a prominent role in the economy.

3. Mixed economy: A mixed economy blends elements of both a command and market economy. The government plays a significant role in regulating and guiding the economy, but there is also room for private enterprise and market forces to operate.

Now, let's apply this understanding to the question. Since the fall of the Soviet Union, Russia has transitioned from a command economy to a mixed economy. This transition began in the early 1990s and involved privatizing state-owned enterprises, liberalizing prices and trade, and opening up the economy to foreign investment. These reforms aimed to introduce market-oriented policies and reduce the dominance of the state in economic decision-making.

Therefore, the correct answer is C. From a command to a mixed.


What does your reading assignment say? What are these different kinds of markets?

Bruh you can’t tell someone to not post the question again, you’re not the boss of anyone here.

ms sue karen


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