Consider the 6 inch × 9 inch rectangular cake that is 2 inches deep. If you cover the cake with frosting excluding the bottom, what is the surface area of the cake that will be covered with frosting?

help!!!! i dont understand

The top is 9 * 6 = 54 square inches

Two sides are 2 * 9 = 36 square inches

Two sides are 2 * 6 = 24 square inches.

Now add those areas together for the total amount of frosting.


Who else cant wait to get out of this school 💀

so it would be 114 ?

You are very welcome.

Thanks so much, Ms. Sue! Most people don't like your help, but if they just read the stuff you post to help, they could probably learn how to do it themselves! Thanks again!

Okay thank you so much !

Thanks Mrs. Sue. I needed a recap.

people don't appreciate ms. sue enough

she's actually a quality teacher that's been saving people for over 30 years
so can we teach with ya ms. sue
@anonymous . . . .
@magic . . . . . . .

Thanks Ms. Sue