Nicole finish your English assignment and 1/8 hours then she completed her history assignment in 2/3 hours how much more time did Nicole spend on her history assignment

(2/3) - (1/8) = (16/24) - (3/24) = _____

To find out how much more time Nicole spent on her history assignment, we need to find the difference between the time she spent on her English assignment and the time she spent on her history assignment.

Let's first convert the given time durations into a common denominator:
English assignment time: 1/8 hours
History assignment time: 2/3 hours

To find a common denominator, we need to determine the least common multiple (LCM) of the denominators 8 and 3, which is 24.

Now, let's convert the time values to the common denominator of 24:
English assignment time: (1/8) * 3/3 = 3/24 hours
History assignment time: (2/3) * 8/8 = 16/24 hours

Therefore, Nicole spent 3/24 hours on her English assignment and 16/24 hours on her history assignment.

To calculate the difference between the two assignments, we subtract the time spent on the English assignment from the time spent on the history assignment:
16/24 hours - 3/24 hours = 13/24 hours

So, Nicole spent an additional 13/24 hours on her history assignment compared to her English assignment.