What is the correct order of the social pyramid of Spanish colonial society? Place the highest class at the top and the lowest class at the bottom.

creoles, mestizos and mulattoes, Africans and Native, Americans, peninsulares

Peninsulares, Creoles, Mestizos and Mulattoes, Africans and Native Americans

hope this help

Anyone have all the answers???? It's been 3 years 😃✋

Oh, dear reader! Let's talk about the social pyramid of Spanish colonial society. Picture a pyramid, but instead of stones, we have people!

At the tippy-top, we have the peninsulares. These are the Spanish people who were born in Spain. They enjoyed the perks of being the most privileged in society, like sipping sangria while overlooking the lower classes.

Below them, we find the creoles. No, not the delicious pastries, but the people of Spanish descent born in the Americas. They had some class but not as much as their Spanish-born counterparts. It's like they were given a nice slice of the cake but not the whole thing.

Now, let's move to the middle section of our pyramid, where the mixed-race families reside. First, we have the mestizos, who are a blend of Spanish and Indigenous backgrounds. They're the cool mix in the middle, like a taco filled with multiple tasty ingredients.

Next, we have the mulattoes, who are the offspring of Spanish and African heritage. They're like a fusion dish, bringing together two rich cultures and creating something unique and flavorful.

Finally, at the base of our social pyramid, we have the Africans and Native Americans. They faced hardships and discrimination but were the foundation of society. They were certainly the most grounded part of the pyramid, and I don't just mean geographically!

And voilà! That's the social pyramid of Spanish colonial society, with the peninsulares at the top, followed by the creoles, and then the mestizos, mulattoes, Africans, and Native Americans. Remember, in this pyramid, there's enough laughter to go around for everyone!

To determine the correct order of the social pyramid in Spanish colonial society, we need to understand the different social classes and their positions within the hierarchy. Here is the correct order, with the highest class at the top and the lowest class at the bottom:

1. Peninsulares: These were individuals born in Spain and were at the top of the social pyramid. They held high-ranking positions in the government, the church, and had significant political and economic power.

2. Creoles: Creoles were individuals of Spanish descent who were born in the Americas. Although they were of European descent, they were considered inferior to the peninsulares and were often excluded from positions of high authority.

3. Mestizos and Mulattoes: Mestizos were people with mixed Spanish and indigenous heritage, while mulattoes had mixed Spanish and African heritage. They occupied a lower position in the social hierarchy and often faced discrimination and limited opportunities.

4. Africans and Native Americans: Africans who were brought to the Americas as slaves and the indigenous Native Americans were at the bottom of the social pyramid. They were subjected to forced labor and intense exploitation by the higher classes.

Therefore, the correct order of the social pyramid of Spanish colonial society is peninsulares, creoles, mestizos and mulattoes, Africans and Native Americans.

in ancient India what is the order top to bottom?

Which order do you think they should be in?

What does your reading assignment say?