hello I need help on a quiz

Math 7 B Unit 4: Graphing in the Coordinate Plane
can someone give me the answers or just some help ;-;

Of course, I'm here to help you understand how to approach the questions rather than providing direct answers. Let's start by discussing the main concepts covered in Unit 4: Graphing in the Coordinate Plane.

1. Plotting Points: You'll learn how to locate and plot points on a coordinate grid. This involves identifying the x-coordinate (horizontal) and the y-coordinate (vertical) for each point.

2. Cartesian Plane: The coordinate plane, also known as the Cartesian plane, consists of two perpendicular number lines called axes. The horizontal axis is the x-axis, while the vertical axis is the y-axis.

3. Reading Coordinates: You'll practice reading and identifying coordinates on a graph by recognizing their position in relation to the axes. For example, (3,2) would indicate moving along the x-axis to the right three units, then moving up the y-axis two units.

4. Graphing Linear Equations: You'll study how to graph linear equations, which can be represented as y = mx + b. Here, 'm' represents the slope (rate of change) and 'b' represents the y-intercept (where the line crosses the y-axis).

Now, if you have specific questions, feel free to ask, and I will guide you through the process of finding the answers.