The sum of two integers is 12. Rhe difference in their reciprocal is 2/9. Determine the 2 integers.

If y is the larger number

x+y = 12
1/x - 1/y = 2/9
1/x- 1/(12-x) = 2/9
Now it ends much nicer

thanks, oobleck

I should really read the questions more carefully.

To solve this problem, let's assume the two integers are x and y.

According to the given information, we have two equations:

1. x + y = 12 (Equation 1: the sum of two integers is 12)
2. 1/x - 1/y = 2/9 (Equation 2: the difference in their reciprocal is 2/9)

Now, let's solve these equations step by step:

Step 1: Rearrange Equation 2.

Multiply both sides of Equation 2 by xy to eliminate the fractions:

(xy)(1/x - 1/y) = (xy)(2/9)

This simplifies to:

y - x = (2/9)xy

Step 2: Simplify Equation 2.

Rearrange Equation 2 by moving all terms to one side:

(2/9)xy - y + x = 0

Step 3: Solve for x in terms of y.

Let's solve Equation 3 for x:

x = (9y - 2xy)/(9)

Step 4: Substitute x in Equation 1.

Substitute the value of x from Equation 3 into Equation 1:

(9y - 2xy)/(9) + y = 12

Simplify this equation:

Multiply both sides by 9:

9y - 2xy + 9y = 108

Combine like terms:

18y - 2xy = 108

Step 5: Solve for y.

Rearrange Equation 5 to solve for y:

18y = 108 + 2xy

18y = 108 + 2x(12 - y)

18y = 108 + 24x - 2xy

18y + 2xy = 108 + 24x

Factor out y:

y(18 + 2x) = 108 + 24x

y = (108 + 24x)/(18 + 2x)

Step 6: Substitute y value.

Now, substitute the value of y back into Equation 3 to solve for x:

x = (9[(108 + 24x)/(18 + 2x)] - 2x[(108 + 24x)/(18 + 2x)])/(9)

Simplify Equation 6:

x = (972 + 216x - 216x - 48x^2)/(162 + 18x)

x = (972)/(162 + 18x)

x = 972/(18(9 + x))

x = 972/(162 + 18x)

Now, we have an equation solely in terms of x.

Step 7: Solve for x.

Multiply both sides by 162 + 18x to eliminate the denominator:

x(162 + 18x) = 972

Simplify this equation:

18x^2 + 162x - 972 = 0

Divide through by 18 to simplify:

x^2 + 9x - 54 = 0

Factorize this quadratic equation:

(x + 12)(x - 3) = 0

This gives us two possible values for x: x = -12 or x = 3.

Step 8: Substitute x in Equation 1.

Substitute each value of x into Equation 1 to find the respective values of y:

For x = -12:
(-12) + y = 12
y = 12 + 12
y = 24

For x = 3:
3 + y = 12
y = 12 - 3
y = 9

Therefore, the two integers are (-12, 24) and (3, 9).

one number --- x

the other ----- y
x+y=12 -----> x = 12-y
x - 1/y = 2/9
12-y - 1/y = 2/9
multiply by 9y
108y - 9y^2 - 9 = 2y
9y^2 - 106y + 9 = 0
solve the quadratic, does not come out nice