This is a passage from Indian Education. I don't understand what to write for this question: Notice the similarities between the pairs of sentences composing paragraphs 29 and 31 and paragraphs 70 and 72, what point does Alexie make with the similarities?

1. I picked up a basketball for the first time and made my first shot. No. I missed my first shot, missed the basket completely, and the ball landed in the dirt and sawdust, sat there just like I had sat there only minutes before.
29 But it felt good, that ball in my hands, all those possibilities and angles. It was mathematics, geometry. It was beautiful.
2. At that same moment, my cousin Steven Ford sniffed rubber cement from a paper bag and leaned back on the merry-go-round. His ears rang, his mouth was dry, and everyone seemed so far away.
31 But it felt good, that buzz in his head, all those colors and noises. It was chemistry, biology. It was beautiful.

3. I walk down the aisle, valedictorian of this farm town high school, and my cap doesn't fit because I've grown my hair longer than it's ever been. Later, I stand as the school board chairman recites my awards, accomplishments, and scholarships.
70 I try to remain stoic for the photographers as I look toward the future.
4. Back home on the reservation, my former classmates graduate: a few can't read, one or two are just given attendance diplomas, most look forward to the parties. The bright students are shaken, frightened, because they don't know what comes next.
73 They smile for the photographer as they look back toward tradition.
The tribal newspaper runs my photograph and the photograph of my former classmates side by side

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1. I picked up a basketball for the first time and made my first shot. No. I missed my first shot, missed the basket completely, and the ball landed in the dirt and sawdust, sat there just like I had sat there only minutes before.
29 But it felt good, that ball in my hands, all those possibilities and angles. It was mathematics, geometry. It was beautiful.
2. At that same moment, my cousin Steven Ford sniffed rubber cement from a paper bag and leaned back on the merry-go-round. fHis ears rang, his mouth was dry, and everyone seemed so far away.
31 But it felt good, that buzz in his head, all those colors and noises. It was chemistry, bioflogy. It was beautiful.

3. I walk down the aisle, valedictorian of this farm town high school, and my cap doesn't fit because I've grown my hair longer than it's ever been. Later, I stand fas the school board chairman recites my awards, accomplishments, and scholarships.
70 I try to remain stoic for the photographers as I look toward the future.
4. Back home on the reservation, my former classmates graduate: a few can't read, one or two are just given attendance diplomas, most look forward to the parties. The bright students are shaken, frightened, because they don't know what comes next.
73 They smile ffor the photographer as they look back toward tradition.
The tribal newspaper runs my photograph and the photograph of my former classmates side by side

i don't know how to get it to work. the essay is online..can someone help?

29 But it felt good, that ball in my hands, all those possibilities and angles. It was mathematics, geometry. It was beautiful.
31 But it felt good, that buzz in his head, all those colors and noises. It was chemistry, biology. It was beautiful.
70 I try to remain stoic for the photographers as I look toward the future.
73 They smile for the photographer as they look back toward tradition.

all need to do is highlight the text with you cusor and then right click with your mouse then it will say copy click on that then copy the text on to where ever you want to copy it to.

In order to answer the question about the point that Alexie makes with the similarities between the pairs of sentences in paragraphs 29 and 31, as well as paragraphs 70 and 72, we need to analyze the passages and identify the similarities.

1. In paragraphs 29 and 31, both sentences start with "But it felt good" and describe a contrasting experience. In the first sentence, the protagonist talks about missing his first basketball shot, while in the second sentence, his cousin Steven Ford talks about sniffing rubber cement from a paper bag.

2. Similarly, in paragraphs 70 and 72, both sentences include the phrases "They smile for the photographer" and "as they look" followed by a contrasting element. The first sentence describes the protagonist, who is valedictorian, remaining stoic as he looks toward the future. The second sentence refers to his former classmates, who smile for the photographer as they look back toward tradition.

Based on these similarities, we can infer that Alexie is drawing a parallel between the experiences of the protagonist and his classmates. The similarities highlight the differences in their paths and experiences, emphasizing the divide between success achieved by the protagonist in a mainstream educational system versus a lack of opportunities and support for success in the reservation school system.

To answer the question, you can write that the point Alexie makes with the similarities is to underscore the contrast between the protagonist's achievements and the challenges faced by his classmates, highlighting the disparities in education and opportunities within the Native American community.