Find the horizontal change and the vertical change in this translation?

P(4,6) to P'(0,8)

well the x went from 4 to 0, so horizontal change is -4

the y went from 6 to 8, so the vertical ......

To find the horizontal change and the vertical change in this translation, subtract the x-coordinate and the y-coordinate of the original point from the x-coordinate and the y-coordinate of the translated point, respectively.

Original point P(4,6)
Translated point P'(0,8)

Horizontal change (Δx) = x-coordinate of P' - x-coordinate of P
= 0 - 4
= -4

Vertical change (Δy) = y-coordinate of P' - y-coordinate of P
= 8 - 6
= 2

Therefore, the horizontal change is -4 and the vertical change is 2 in this translation.