Which sentence correctly substitutes the bolded phrase?

Carla compro /los anteojos de sol./

Carla las compro
Carla lo compro
Carla los compro
Carla la compro

i think its carla las compro becuase its a girl?

it would be los because the object is masculine :)

To determine the correct substitution for the bolded phrase "los anteojos de sol," we need to understand a few grammar rules. In Spanish, articles and pronouns must agree in gender and number with the noun they refer to.

In this case, "los" is a masculine plural article used before the masculine plural noun "anteojos" (glasses). Since it is plural, we need to use a plural pronoun that agrees with both the gender and quantity of the noun.

Now let's check the options provided:

1. "Carla las compro" - This option is the correct answer. "Las" is a feminine plural pronoun, and although "anteojos" is a masculine noun, the pronoun agrees with the noun in terms of quantity (plural).

2. "Carla lo compro" - This option is not correct because "lo" is a masculine singular pronoun, and it doesn't agree with the noun in terms of quantity (plural).

3. "Carla los compro" - This option is almost correct. "Los" is a masculine plural pronoun, which agrees with the noun in terms of gender and quantity. However, in this sentence, we need to use a feminine pronoun since "anteojos," although ending in "-os," is a masculine noun.

4. "Carla la compro" - This option is not correct because "la" is a feminine singular pronoun, and it doesn't agree with the noun in terms of quantity (plural).

So, the correct sentence is "Carla las compro."