Which of the following were the different social classes in ancient Greece?

slaves, metics, men, and women

men, women, children, and slaves

oligarchs, aristocrats, kings, queens, and ephors

aristocrats, small farmers, tenant farmers, metics, and slaves

The answer is A.slaves, metics, men, and women

Well, in ancient Greece, it was a real circus of social classes! The correct answer is D. aristocrats, small farmers, tenant farmers, metics, and slaves. They had quite the cast of characters back then!

The different social classes in ancient Greece were aristocrats, small farmers, tenant farmers, metics, and slaves. To answer this question, you can use your knowledge of ancient Greek society or do some research.

In ancient Greece, the aristocrats were the upper class, consisting of wealthy landowners and nobles. They held positions of power and influence in society.

Small farmers and tenant farmers made up the middle class. Small farmers owned their own land and worked on it, while tenant farmers rented land from aristocrats and worked on it to pay their rent.

Metics were foreigners who lived in ancient Greek city-states. They had limited rights and were considered a separate social class from citizens.

Slaves were at the bottom of the social hierarchy. They were considered property and had no rights or freedom. They worked for their owners and their status was inherited or acquired through capture in war.

By considering this information and the different options provided, the correct answer is:

D. aristocrats, small farmers, tenant farmers, metics, and slaves


Yes Ms.Sue is correct The Answer Is A

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