Which group of women in ancient Greece had the most freedom?

slave women in Sparta

slave women in Athens

free women in Sparta

free women in Athens

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To determine which group of women in ancient Greece had the most freedom, we need to compare the status and rights of women in Sparta and Athens, both in terms of slave women and free women.

A. Slave women in Sparta: In Sparta, slaves were known as helots. While Sparta had a large population of helots, including women, they were generally not granted any significant degree of freedom or rights. Helots were owned by the state and were considered property rather than citizens, therefore having limited freedom.

B. Slave women in Athens: In Athens, slavery was also common, and many women could be found in servitude. Like in Sparta, slave women in Athens did not have personal freedoms and were considered the property of their owners.

C. Free women in Sparta: Sparta was known for granting more freedom to its citizen women compared to other Greek city-states. Spartan women had more independence and rights than women in Athens. They received physical education, allowing them to participate in sports and even develop combat skills. They had more control over their wealth and property, and they could inherit land. Moreover, they were involved in the political life of Sparta.

D. Free women in Athens: In Athens, free women had considerably fewer rights than citizen women in Sparta. Athenian women had limited roles within society and were primarily confined to the household. They were expected to manage the home, take care of the family, and bear children. They had limited educational opportunities and were not allowed to participate in politics.

Based on this information, the group of women in ancient Greece that had the most freedom was C. free women in Sparta. They enjoyed more rights and independence compared to both free and slave women in Athens.
