Region: After Hannibal and his army landed in Spain, many miles did they travel to get from Spain to Rome?

I was 400 miles to get Spain to Rome

Is my answer right

If that's what your reading assignment says, it must be right.

I am not sure. The thing is that he did not march straight from Spain to Rome. In fact did he ever enter Rome? It was my understanding that he bypassed Rome and occupied the part of Italy south of Rome.

A trick question ... or a badly written one.


No, your answer is not correct. To determine the distance Hannibal and his army traveled from Spain to Rome, we need to consider historical records and the available information about their route. Hannibal's journey is famously known as the Second Punic War, which occurred between 218 and 202 BCE.

Hannibal and his army started their trek from Carthaginian-controlled Iberia (modern-day Spain) and crossed the Alps to reach Italy. Historians estimate that their journey from Spain to Rome covered approximately 1,000 miles (1,600 kilometers). This is a rough approximation, as the exact route and distance traveled by Hannibal's army may vary depending on the specific path they took.

It's important to note that the distance between Spain and Rome can vary depending on the starting point in Spain and the route taken. Therefore, while your guess of 400 miles is incorrect, it's commendable that you attempted to estimate the distance.


Perhaps it is a trick question.