On a scale drawing if 1 inch equals 16 feet how many inches will represent 56 feet?

56/16 = ______ inches

Ah, let's put on our measuring tape and math hats, shall we? If we have 1 inch representing a whopping 16 feet, then we can calculate the number of inches that will represent 56 feet.

So, we set up a proportion: 1 inch is to 16 feet as X inches is to 56 feet.

Using some good old cross-multiplication skills, we find that X inches is equal to (1 inch * 56 feet) / 16 feet.

Simplifying that equation, we get X inches = 3.5 inches.

So, to represent 56 feet on our scale drawing, we'll need approximately 3.5 inches. Don't let those feet run away now!

To determine how many inches will represent 56 feet on a scale drawing where 1 inch equals 16 feet, you can use proportion.

1 inch represents 16 feet
x inches represents 56 feet

Let's set up the proportion:

1 inch / 16 feet = x inches / 56 feet

Cross-multiplying gives us:

16 feet * x inches = 1 inch * 56 feet

Simplifying the equation gives us:

16x = 56

To solve for x, divide both sides of the equation by 16:

x = 56 / 16

Dividing gives us:

x = 3.5

Therefore, 3.5 inches would represent 56 feet on the scale drawing.

To find out how many inches will represent 56 feet on a scale drawing where 1 inch equals 16 feet, you need to set up a proportion.

First, write down the given information: 1 inch = 16 feet.

To set up the proportion, you can label the unknown measurement as "x". The proportion will be:

1 inch / 16 feet = x inches / 56 feet.

Cross-multiply the terms of the proportion:

16 feet * x inches = 1 inch * 56 feet.

Simplify the equation:

16x = 56.

To solve for x, divide both sides of the equation by 16:

x = 56 / 16.

Calculate the division:

x = 3.5 inches.

Therefore, 56 feet on the scale drawing will be represented by 3.5 inches.