IF you have a grade of 64% and you did something that brings up your grade on a test that the weight is 50% and you scored 80% on it what grade will you have after

To calculate your new grade after the test, you need to consider the weight of the test and its impact on your overall grade. Here's how you can calculate it step-by-step:

Step 1: Determine the weight of the test:
The weight of the test is given as 50%, meaning it contributes 50% towards your overall grade.

Step 2: Calculate the impact of the test on your grade:
To determine the impact of the test, you can multiply your test score (80%) by its weight (50%):
80% x 50% = 0.80 x 0.50 = 0.40 (decimal form)

Step 3: Calculate your current overall grade:
Multiply your current grade (64%) by the remaining weight (50%):
64% x 50% = 0.64 x 0.50 = 0.32 (decimal form)

Step 4: Add the test score impact and current grade:
To find your new overall grade, add the impact of the test to your current overall grade:
0.40 + 0.32 = 0.72 (decimal form)

Step 5: Convert the decimal to a percentage:
To convert the decimal to a percentage, multiply it by 100:
0.72 x 100 = 72%

Therefore, after scoring 80% on the test with a weight of 50%, your new overall grade would be 72%.

To calculate your overall grade after the test, you'll need to consider the weight of the test and calculate the weighted average. Here's how you can do it:

1. Determine the weight of your current grade: In this case, you mentioned that your current grade has a weight of 50%.

2. Calculate the weighted average for your current grade:
- Multiply your current grade (64%) by its weight (50%): 64% * 50% = 0.64 * 0.50 = 0.32

3. Calculate the weighted average for the new test:
- Multiply your test score (80%) by its weight (50%): 80% * 50% = 0.80 * 0.50 = 0.40

4. Add the weighted averages together to find your overall grade:
- Add the weighted average for your current grade (0.32) with the weighted average for the new test (0.40): 0.32 + 0.40 = 0.72

5. Convert the overall grade to a percentage:
- Multiply the decimal (0.72) by 100 to get your overall grade percentage: 0.72 * 100 = 72%

Therefore, after taking the new test, your overall grade would be 72%.