your class is conducting an experiment to study geometric sequences. the class forms a line. the first person takes a whole pizza, divides it in half, keeps half and hands the other half to the next person. the next people in line do the same thing with there pieces. which portion of the whole pizza does the seventh person in line get?

Mrs. Sue!!! HELP!!!

To find out the portion of the whole pizza that the seventh person in line gets, we need to understand the pattern of dividing the pizza.

In this scenario, the first person takes a whole pizza and divides it in half. Each subsequent person in line also takes their piece and divides it in half before passing the rest to the next person.

To break down the process mathematically, we can analyze the pattern:

The first person gets 1/2 of the whole pizza (1/2).
The second person gets 1/2 of the remaining pizza, which means he or she receives 1/2 * 1/2 = 1/4 of the whole pizza.
The third person gets 1/2 of the remaining pizza again, which is 1/2 * 1/4 = 1/8 of the whole pizza.
This pattern continues, with each subsequent person receiving one-half of the previous portion.

To find out what portion the seventh person receives, we can continue the pattern:

The fourth person gets 1/2 of the remaining pizza, which is 1/2 * 1/8 = 1/16 of the whole pizza.
The fifth person receives 1/2 * 1/16 = 1/32 of the whole pizza.
The sixth person receives 1/2 * 1/32 = 1/64 of the whole pizza.

Now, to find out what portion of the whole pizza the seventh person gets, we multiply one-half by the previous portion:

1/2 * 1/64 = 1/128

So, the seventh person in line receives 1/128 of the whole pizza.

There is no Mrs. Sue here.

Your class is conducting an experiment to study geometric sequences. The class forms a line. The first person takes a whole pizza, divides it in half, keeps half , And hands and hands the other half to the next person. The next people in line in the same thing with their pieces which portion of the whole pizza does the seventh person in line get ?

Please help Ms. sue!!