Which conditions most likely account for extreme poverty and economic disparity in Southeast Asia?

A. scarcity of natural resources to support farming and industry

B. lack of interest in trade and commercial partnerships

C. isolationism that limits exposure to modern technologies

D. competition among workers for too few jobs and low wages

I think it is D, but I also think C may be the correct answer.

Use the image to answer the question.

Which environmental challenges in Southeast Asia are most directly related to the activity shown? Select the two correct answers.

Incorrect answer A.

Correct answer B.

Correct answer C.
air pollution

Incorrect answer D.

Incorrect answer E.
volcanic activity

Answer B and C

Rapid urbanization
in Southeast Asia puts too much burden on infrastructure and services in cities. This leads to increasing
among rich and poor and can lead to political conflict.
areas also suffer greater risks in the event of natural disasters.

Which conditions most likely account for extreme poverty and economic disparity in Southeast Asia?

Incorrect answer A.
scarcity of natural resources to support farming and industry

Incorrect answer B.
lack of interest in trade and commercial partnerships

Incorrect answer C.
isolationism that limits exposure to modern technologies

Correct answer D.
competition among workers for too few jobs and low wages

dont mind my order pls i dont want to redew it so sorry
thumbs up :)

I need help on this lesson

what is the answer

dont worry i got you fam is correct I promise I just got 100%!! thxs!

Yay he’s right

bro i got a diffrent thing ive ben searching for hours so lame

Blue Butts Rulesssss !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm sorry, I don't understand what you mean by "Blue Butts Rulesssss !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!". Can you please provide more context or ask a specific question?


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