According to the cladogram in Figure 18-2, what two characteristics do crabs and barnacles share that limpets do not?

unhelpful at all

To answer your question, I will need more specific information about the cladogram and Figure 18-2. Can you provide me with the details or a description of the cladogram?

To find the answer to your question, you need to refer to Figure 18-2, which contains a cladogram. A cladogram is a diagram that shows the evolutionary relationships between different species or groups of organisms.

1. Identify the position of crabs, barnacles, and limpets on the cladogram: First, locate the branch or node where crabs, barnacles, and limpets are placed. This will give you an idea of their evolutionary relationship and will help you identify any shared characteristics.

2. Look for the traits that are unique to crabs and barnacles: Examine the nodes or branches specific to crabs and barnacles. These nodes represent derived characteristics that distinguish these groups from other organisms. Identify the shared traits that are unique to crabs and barnacles but not present in limpets.

3. Compare the characteristics of crabs, barnacles, and limpets: Look for any specific traits listed for each group in the cladogram. Determine if there are any shared traits between crabs and barnacles that are not present in limpets. These shared traits will be the characteristics that crabs and barnacles share but limpets do not.

Once you have followed these steps, you should be able to identify the two characteristics that crabs and barnacles share but are not present in limpets, as indicated in Figure 18-2.

See previous post.