Ramona writes each letter of her first name on separate index cards. What fraction of the cards has a vowel?

hmmm 3 vowels, 6 letters. so ...

thank you

it is 1 4

3 vowels


i-its 3 fourths right 🤔

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dang it i forgot

dang it i dont really know

To determine the fraction of the cards that have a vowel, we first need to count the number of cards with vowels and the total number of cards in Ramona's first name.

1. Count the number of vowels: The vowels in the English alphabet are "a", "e", "i", "o", and "u". Look for these letters in Ramona's first name and count how many times they appear.

2. Count the total number of letters in Ramona's first name: Look at each index card and count the total number of cards. This will be the total number of letters in her first name.

3. Divide the number of cards with vowels by the total number of cards: Once you have the count of vowels and the total number of cards, divide the number of vowels by the total number of cards to get the fraction.

For example, let's say Ramona's first name has 6 letters and 3 of them are vowels (a, o, a). The fraction of cards with vowels would be 3/6, which can be simplified to 1/2.

Remember, each name will have a different number of letters and vowels, so make sure to count and calculate based on the specific name provided.