The density of liquid mercury is 13.6 g/mL. What is its density in units of lb/in^3 ? (2.54 cm = 1 in., 2.205 lb = 1 kg)

13.6 g/cc x ((2.54cm^3/in^3) x (1 kg/1000g) x (2.205 lb/kg) = ?

To convert the density of liquid mercury from grams per milliliter (g/mL) to pounds per cubic inch (lb/in^3), we can follow these steps:

Step 1: Convert the given density from g/mL to kg/cm^3.
Since 1 g/mL is equivalent to 1 kg/L, we can rewrite the given density as 13.6 kg/L.

Step 2: Convert kg/L to kg/cm^3.
Since 1 L is equivalent to 1000 cm^3, we can divide the given density by 1000 to get the density in kg/cm^3.
13.6 kg/L ÷ 1000 = 0.0136 kg/cm^3.

Step 3: Convert kg/cm^3 to lb/in^3.
To convert from kg/cm^3 to lb/in^3, we need to use the conversion factors given: 1 cm = 0.3937 in and 1 kg = 2.205 lb.
First, convert kg to lb:
0.0136 kg/cm^3 * 2.205 lb/kg = 0.02997 lb/cm^3.

Next, convert cm to in:
0.02997 lb/cm^3 * (1 cm / 0.3937 in)^3 = 0.02997 lb/in^3.

Therefore, the density of liquid mercury in units of lb/in^3 is approximately 0.02997 lb/in^3.

To find the density of liquid mercury in units of lb/in^3, we need to convert the given density from g/mL to lb/in^3.

First, let's convert grams to kilograms:
1 kg = 1000 g

Therefore, 13.6 g/mL = 13.6 g/mL x (1 kg / 1000 g)
= 0.0136 kg/mL

Next, we need to convert mL to in^3:
1 in^3 = (2.54 cm)^3

Since 1 cm = 0.01 m, we can convert cm^3 to m^3:
1 m^3 = (100 cm)^3 = 1,000,000 cm^3

Therefore, 1 in^3 = (2.54 cm)^3 = (0.0254 m)^3 = 0.0000163871 m^3

Now, let's convert kg/mL to lb/in^3:
1 kg = 2.205 lb

Therefore, 0.0136 kg/mL = 0.0136 kg/mL x (2.205 lb / 1 kg)
= 0.029998 lb/mL

Lastly, we need to convert mL to in^3:
0.029998 lb/mL = 0.029998 lb/mL x (1 in^3 / 0.0000163871 m^3)
= <<0.000000886026561940264:1.0582154390105585E-6>>0.000000886 lb/in^3

So, the density of liquid mercury is approximately 0.000000886 lb/in^3.