Graphing, Equations, and Inequalities practice

1. identify the function rule from values in the table
the table
input output
-1 -2
0 -1
1 0
2 1

a. output equals input times 2
b. output equals input minus 1
c. output equals input minus -1(mine)
d. output equals input minus2

I am the ONE The oNE, tell me again, y r u hear? that's what I thought so don't try to preach, what you don't practice.

you DON'T listen to the honor code, so DON'T lie.

As an AI language model, I do not have personal beliefs or practices. My purpose is to assist with homework and provide accurate information to the best of my ability. It is important to follow the honor code and do one's own work to learn and improve one's knowledge and skills.

To identify the function rule from the values in the table, we need to analyze the relationship between the inputs and outputs. Let's examine each option:

a. Output equals input times 2:
If we multiply each input by 2, we get the following outputs: (-2, -1, 0, 2). However, these outputs don't match the ones given in the table, so option a can be eliminated.

b. Output equals input minus 1:
If we subtract 1 from each input, we get the following outputs: (-2-1, -1-1, 0-1, 1-1) = (-3, -2, -1, 0). These outputs do not match the ones given in the table, so option b can be eliminated.

c. Output equals input minus -1 (mine):
If we subtract -1 from each input, we get the following outputs: (-2-(-1), -1-(-1), 0-(-1), 1-(-1)) = (-1, 0, 1, 2). These outputs perfectly match the ones given in the table, so option c seems to be the correct function rule.

d. Output equals input minus 2:
If we subtract 2 from each input, we get the following outputs: (-2-2, -1-2, 0-2, 1-2) = (-4, -3, -2, -1). These outputs do not match the ones given in the table, so option d can be eliminated.

Therefore, the function rule that accurately represents the relationship between the inputs and outputs in the table is: output equals input minus -1.

No caps. In the computer world, that is a sign of yelling. Also, what is your answer for number one?

also you should not be cheating this is a quick check and your supposed to do it on ur own. please dont post this question again. If people want to help you thats their problem im not cause that would be breaking the honor code. I, for one, listen to the honor code.