If the earthquake in Forks,WA is ranked 7.1 M, list the modified mecalli intensity ranking and explain the expected damage associated with this magnitude of an earthquake.

Please help ASAP!!! :(

To determine the Modified Mercalli Intensity (MMI) ranking associated with a 7.1 magnitude earthquake in Forks, WA, we need to consult a seismic intensity scale. One commonly used scale is the Modified Mercalli Intensity Scale.

The Modified Mercalli Intensity Scale ranges from I to XII, with each level describing the observed effects and damage caused by an earthquake. It is important to note that the specific effects of an earthquake can vary depending on factors such as distance from the epicenter, local geology, and building construction.

To determine the expected damage associated with a 7.1 magnitude earthquake in Forks, WA, we can refer to historical data and correlations between earthquake magnitude and observed damage. The following is a general guideline for the expected damage associated with different MMI rankings:

1. MMI I - Not felt: The earthquake is not felt, and no damage is observed except by sensitive people or instruments.

2. MMI II - Weak: The earthquake is felt only by a few people, especially those on upper floors of buildings.

3. MMI III - Weak but noticeable: The earthquake is felt indoors, like the vibration caused by a passing truck. Hanging objects may swing slightly.

4. MMI IV - Light: The earthquake is felt indoors by many people, similar to the passing of a heavy truck. Doors, windows, and dishes may rattle. Walls make a cracking sound.

5. MMI V - Moderate: The earthquake is felt by most people. Objects indoors may be shifted or overturned. Small cracks may appear in plaster and stucco.

6. MMI VI - Strong: The earthquake is felt by all, causing general alarm. People have difficulty standing, and objects may fall or be thrown from shelves. Furniture and walls may be noticeably damaged.

7. MMI VII - Very Strong: The earthquake causes tables and chairs to move. Damage is more significant, including the collapse of chimneys, caving in of weaker buildings, and small landslides.

8. MMI VIII - Severe: The earthquake causes considerable damage in populated areas. Well-built structures suffer partial collapse, and weak buildings can collapse completely. Tree branches may break, and utility poles may topple.

Based on these guidelines, a 7.1 magnitude earthquake in Forks, WA would likely correspond to an MMI ranking of VI - Strong to VII - Very Strong. This means that there could be significant damage, including structural damage to buildings, furniture and objects falling, and potential for landslides.

Please note that specific local factors, such as the distance from the epicenter and the area's geology, may affect the actual observed damage. For accurate and detailed information regarding the expected damage from the mentioned earthquake, it is advisable to consult local authorities, geological surveys, or seismic institutes in the area.