2. Compare the two poems "Theme for English B" by Langston Hughes and "Incident" by Countee Cullen. Compare and contrast the tone of these works. Consider both diction and rhetorical devices. Determine which poem speaks more to you. Why? Support your answer with evidence from the text.

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To compare and contrast the tone of the poems "Theme for English B" by Langston Hughes and "Incident" by Countee Cullen, start by reading each poem carefully. Focus on the diction or word choice, as well as the rhetorical devices used in the poems. Consider the overall mood and atmosphere created by these elements.

In "Theme for English B," Hughes uses colloquial language and a conversational tone. He employs rhetorical devices such as repetition and imagery to evoke a sense of sincerity and introspection. The diction is simple and straightforward, reflecting the speaker's honest self-expression and quest for identity.

On the other hand, in "Incident," Cullen adopts a more formal and descriptive tone. The diction is elevated, with poetic devices like simile and personification used to create vivid imagery. The tone is nostalgic and reflective, as the speaker recalls a racist incident from their childhood.

As for personal preference, it is subjective. Some may relate more to the straightforward and introspective tone of "Theme for English B," while others may connect with the nostalgic and reflective tone of "Incident." To support your answer, provide evidence from both texts that captures the emotional impact or resonance the poems have on you.