1) what belief united the progressive movement ?

2) what was the main reason for the creation of the civil service system in the late 1800s ?
3) what was an unintended consequence of upton sinclair's novel the jungle ?
4) what do the interstate conmerce act and the sherman antitrust act have in common ?
my answers- 1)A, 2)C, 3)C, 4)B
can someone please check my answers thanks !

#1 Answer choices:

That society's problems could be solved
That education needed reform
That there should be a federal tax income
That political bosses should not hold office

Sure! Let's go through each question and check your answers:

1) What belief united the progressive movement?
To answer this question, it's important to understand the key principles and goals of the progressive movement. The progressive movement emerged in the early 20th century and aimed at addressing social, political, and economic issues caused by rapid industrialization and urbanization. Progressives believed in the power of government intervention to solve societal problems and promote social justice.

Based on this understanding, we can evaluate your answer. Unfortunately, you didn't provide a specific answer (A) for this question. Therefore, we cannot check if your answer is correct.

2) What was the main reason for the creation of the civil service system in the late 1800s?
The civil service system was established to combat corruption and patronage in government jobs. Prior to the creation of the civil service system, government positions were often handed out based on political connections rather than merit. This practice led to inefficiency, favoritism, and corruption.

You listed (C) as your answer, but unfortunately, you didn't provide the corresponding options for the question. Therefore, we cannot check if your answer is correct.

3) What was an unintended consequence of Upton Sinclair's novel, "The Jungle"?
Upton Sinclair's novel "The Jungle," published in 1906, highlighted the horrific working and living conditions of immigrant workers in Chicago's meatpacking industry. It aimed to expose the harsh realities of industrialization and advocate for workers' rights. However, one unintended consequence of the novel was the public's strong reaction to the unsanitary conditions in the meatpacking industry, which ultimately led to the passage of the Pure Food and Drug Act and the Meat Inspection Act in 1906. These laws were intended to improve food safety and regulate the meatpacking industry.

You listed (C) as your answer, but unfortunately, you didn't provide the corresponding options for the question. Therefore, we cannot check if your answer is correct.

4) What do the Interstate Commerce Act and the Sherman Antitrust Act have in common?
The Interstate Commerce Act and the Sherman Antitrust Act are both significant pieces of legislation passed in the late 19th century in the United States.

The Interstate Commerce Act was passed in 1887 and aimed to regulate the railroads and ensure fair rates and practices. It established the Interstate Commerce Commission (ICC) as the first regulatory agency in the United States.

The Sherman Antitrust Act was passed in 1890 and was designed to promote competition and prevent the formation of monopolies or other anti-competitive business practices. It targeted trusts, cartels, and monopolies that were seen as harmful to the market economy.

The commonality between these two acts is that both sought to regulate and control business practices to protect consumers and promote fair competition. They represented government efforts to address problems arising from industrialization and ensure economic fairness.

You listed (B) as your answer, but unfortunately, you didn't provide the corresponding options for the question. Therefore, we cannot check if your answer is correct.

In summary, we couldn't evaluate your answers without the corresponding options for each question. To provide accurate feedback, please provide the options for each question so that we can check if your answers are correct or not.

you're right except for 3

How do you think we can check your answers? We do not have your answer choices!!